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Child & Family Center

Child & Family Center Installs Board of Directors

Child & Family Center - Board Members 2024Child & Family Center held its annual board installation on June 27, as Assemblywoman Pilar Schiavo, D-Chatsworth, installed the new officers for the 2024/25 fiscal year along with incoming board members.

The executive board members for the fiscal year 2024/25 are William Cooper, chair; Jennifer Lee, vice chair; Aida Weinstein, treasurer; Rick Garcia, secretary; and Marc Winger, immediate past chair.

Child & Family Center welcomed new board members Angela Artiaga, Mike Berger, Tom Cole, Diane Fiero and Di Thompson. They join current members Cristy Collins-Parker, Staci Daniels-Sommers, Kris Huber, Jean LaCorte-Kiczek, Dennis Sugasawara and Dr. David Wong.

Outgoing board member Fred Arnold was recognized for his many years of dedication and service to the center. He received multiple commendations from local, state and federal elected officials.